Osias Yanov
(1980) Lives and works between Buenos Aires and Misiones, Argentina.
Osias Yanov's multidisciplinary practice includes sculptures, installations, celebrations and videos. His work intersects queer theories, night parties, group bonds, communions with the environment and the erotic as a transformative force. His methodology for developing projects, workshops and encounters involves establishing relationships with groups of people promoting the creation of temporary communities.
His work has been exhibited at the 11th Berlin Biennale 2020, XI Gwangju Biennale 2016; 12th Göteborg Biennale 2023, Gasworks London, 2018, Ford Foundation and Amant New York, 2024, Galería Nora Fisch Buenos Aires, Zarigüeya/Alabado Contemporáneo Quito, 2016, MALBA Buenos Aires, 2015; among others.
He is a member of the collectives: Rosa Chancho, Suavesitxs, Sirenes Errantes. Between 2021 and 2024 he co-directed and programmed the space Pulpería Mutuálica. Between 2023 and 2024 he was a professor together with the Rosa Chancho collective of the Artists Program of the Di Tella University specialized in group practices. He is currently developing a new long-term collaborative project in Misiones, Argentina.
After 10 years of collective practices with the Rosa Chancho group, in 2012 he presented "Dinámica de Encaje," his first individual work of installation and performance. In 2015, he carried out "VI Sesión en el Parlamento," a project commissioned by MALBA, Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires, a performance with habitués of the Buenos Aires nightlife and a large sculpture that challenged the relationship with the museum's architecture. In 2016, he worked with curators Manuela Moscoso and Pablo Lafuente on a performance and exhibition at the Casa del Alabado, a pre-Columbian collection in Quito, Ecuador, questioning the definitions of the institutional curatorial script and its notions of gender and power roles. In 2017, he participated in the Gwangju Biennale, South Korea, curated by Maria Lind. In 2018, he obtained the Gasworks Residency and held the exhibition "Orphan Dance" in London. In 2019, Yanov was commissioned to develop "Coreografías de Sal," a project that involved group meetings and workshops culminating in an installation and presentations at FAC Buenos Aires. This work continued as a series of group exercises in a natural context that led to the project he presented at the 2020 Berlin Biennale. In 2020, he participated in the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin residency program. Since 2021, he has been dedicated to co-directing and programming the neighborhood cultural center Pulpería Mutuálica in Buenos Aires. In 2022, he developed "Diversorium" together with Concomitantes and CED MACBA, Spain, a collaboration project between queer and crip activism to hold parties. In 2023, he was invited to restage the work "Repit" at the Tono Performance Festival in Mexico City and the work "Orphan Dance" at the 12th Göteborg Biennale in Sweden. He also held the exhibition "Usureros devorados por panteras negras" at the Nora Fisch gallery in Buenos Aires.
Exhibitions and individual projects.
2024- Salt Choreographies
St. Amant, New York, USA.
2023- Usureros devorados por panteras negras,
(Usurers devoured by black panthers)
Nora Fisch Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2022- Diversorium,
Concomitentes in association with CED-MACBA, Barcelona, Spain.
2021- Pulpería Mutuálica, programming and projects (with Nina Kovensky and Magui Testoni),
Pulpería Mutuálica, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2020- The fingers of the air, Tres palomitas (in collaboration with Liv Schulman).
DAAD Gallery, Berlin, Germany.
2020- Ser Con el otre (Being with the other),
The bones of the world, 11 Berlin Biennale,
Ex RotaPrint, Berlin, Germany.
2020- Aoiɛːʁ?oh puppies, calls and accidents (in collaboration with Suavesitxs).
Kunstraumlondon Live, Kunstraum, London, U.K.
2019- Coreografías de Sal (Salt Choreographies),
Faena Art Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2018- La danza de los huérfanos (Orphan Dance) / Curated by Robert Leckie.
Gasworks, London, UK.
2017- 6_NOEVIUS_10, Agmixmix, VixFam,
Nora Fisch Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2016- CRISIS / Zarigüeya / Curated by Manuela Moscoso, Manuela Rivadeneira, Pablo Lafuente.
Pre-Columbian Museum Casa Del Alabado, Quito, Ecuador.
2016- Un año de Petróleo Gratis (One year of Free Oil) / Curated by Juan Canela.
Nora Fisch Gallery, Solo project, Apertura, ARCO, Madrid, Spain.
2016- Invicción / Curated by: Manuel Segade
Nora Fisch Gallery, Solo project, arteBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2015- VI sesión en el parlamento (VI Session in Parliament)
MALBA, Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2015- El orden de las orgías (The Order of Orgies) / Curated by Manuela Moscoso.
Nora Fisch Gallery, Solo project, artBO, Bogota, Colombia.
2013- Desencanto (Disenchantment) - Rosa Chancho Collective -
Ricardo Rojas Cultural Center, Batato Barea Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2012- Dinámicas de encaje II (Fitting dynamics II)
Zavaleta Lab Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2012- Dinámicas de encaje I (Fitting dynamics I)
Inmigrante Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2011- Sopor. - Rosa Chancho Collective -
Mite Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2011- Doble penetración (Double penetration) - Rosa Chancho Collective.
Torcuato di Tella University, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2011- Caverna (Cavern) - Rosa Chancho Collective- .
Torcuato di Tella University, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2010- Masajes a diez manos (Ten Hands Massage). - Rosa Chancho Collective.
Die Fuge, Berlin, Germany.
2010- 10 hands massages, - Rosa Chancho Collective -.
Tu Rito, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2009- When stone springs from your eyes, with Nicanor Araoz.
Costado Gallery, Mendoza, Argentina.
2009- Lorena,
Turkish Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2008- Retrospective, - Rosa Chancho Collective -.
Appetite Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2007- Fuerza y Elegancia (Strength and elegance) - Rosa Chancho Collective -.
Mitlag Tertulias, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2007- Bola de Lodo (Mud ball), - Rosa Chancho Collective -.
CCEBA Cultural Center of Spain, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2006- El hombre obra, - Rosa Chancho Collective -.
Museum of Contemporary Art of Rosario, Argentina.
2006- Inauguración (Inauguration) - Rosa Chancho Collective -.
Open Studio, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2006- Proyecto Ventana (Window Project), - Rosa Chancho Collective -.
Rosa Chancho, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2005- Estatuas (Statues)
Ricardo Rojas Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2005- Laser,
Roberto Vanguardia Gallery, Rosario, Argentina.
Biennials and Festivals
2023- Orphan Dance / 12th Göteborg Biennial / Curated by Joao Laia.
Göteborg, Sweden.
2023- RepiT, RepiT, RepiT, RepiT never RepiT the RepiT / TONO festival / Curator: Samantha Ozer.
Museum of Modern Art of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico.
2020- Being with the other / Affect Archives, exp 3 Berlin Biennale / Renata Cervetto, Agustín Pérez Rubio, María Berríos, Lisette Lagnado. DAAD Gallery, Berlin Germany.
2020- Listening Service (With Wandering Sirens) / Berlin Biennale / Renata Cervetto, Agustín Pérez Rubio, María Berríos, Lisette Lagnado.
DAAD Gallery, Berlin Germany.
2019- AveDIA% / BP19 Performance Biennale,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2019- Sueño Lengua, (With Lulo Demarco) / Faena Festival,
Miami, USA.
2016- Gomero, the Order of Orgies / 11th Gwangju Biennale / Curated by Maria Lind.
Gwangju, South Korea.
2015- VI Session in Parliament / BP15 Performance Biennale,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2012- Cavern of the long tail. Rosa Chancho Collective / III Moscow International Biennale.
Moscow, Russia.
2008- S/T Stage Diving, Rosa Chancho Collective / Volare / Curated by Roberto Jacoby and Vivi Tellas,
Límite Sud, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Exhibitions and Group projects.
2024- Cuarto Oscuro, síntoma del mundo / Cantando bajito / Curatorship: Roxana Fabius, Kobe Ko, Beya Othmani /
Ford Foundation, New York, USA.
2024- Orphan Dance / Formas dos futuros ao redor / Curator: Joao Laia.
Municipal Gallery of Porto, Portugal.
2024- Pendulum of Pisces / Community of bodies /
Lothirnger 13 Halle, Munich, Germany.
2023- AOOT / Archipiélago de lentejuelas / Archipelago of sequins /
CA2M, Madrid, Spain.
2023- Corazón de madera / 18 minutes from the sun / Curator: Javier Villa.
Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2023- Spoons and Funnels / Relationships end in tragedy. A Body Behind / Curated by Sebastián Vidal Mackinson. UNLP, La Plata, Argentina.
2022- Escuchasión - (With Sirenes Errantes) / Simbiología / Curated by Pablo Mendez - Valeria Gonzales. CCK, Kirchner Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2021- Ceremonies, (With Sirenes Errantes) / Symbiology / Curator: Pablo Mendez - Valeria Gonzales CCK, Kirchner Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2121- The Order of Orgies / Symbiology / Curatorship: Pablo Mendez - Valeria Gonzales CCK, Kirchner Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2019- ButtPlug / Exp. 1: The Bones of the World Housewarming,
11th Berlin Biennale. Berlin, Germany.
2019- AOOT / Still I Rise: Feminism, Gender, Resistance - Act 3 / Curated by Irene Aristizábal , Rosie Cooper and Cédric Fauq. Arnolfini International Centre for Contemporary Arts, Bristol, UK.
2019- Lace Dynamics 1 / Fast Forward, Biyina Klappenbach & Anatole Saderman. Nora Fisch Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2019- AOOT (Ladder/Talisman) / Still I Rise / Curated by Irene Aristizábal , Rosie Cooper and Cédric Fauq. De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill On Sea, UK.
2019- ///////))))_Io)))) / Meaning Bearers Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros / Curated by Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy. Museo Amparo, Puebla, Mexico.
2018- Oll / A pertinacious flare.
MAMBA, Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2018- AOOT (Talisman) / Still I Rise / Curated by Irene Aristizábal , Rosie Cooper and Cédric Fauq. Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
2018- Gomero / Soon enough: Art in Action / Curated by : Maria Lind.
Tensta Konsthall, Sweden.
2018- VI Session in Parliament (video) / Health Show II / Curated by Roxana Fabius and Rachel Rakes. A.I.R. Gallery, New York, USA.
2018- Was it real? Vos, el sol, las rejas? and Internet Esperma / Latin America: Back to the Future / Curator: Federica Baeza. Museum of Contemporary Art of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2017- Telekinesis / Cale, cale, cale! Caale!!! / Curated by Juan Canela.
Tabakalera Cultural Center, Donosti, Spain.
2017- Vaginal Antenna / Dixit / Curated by Javier Villa and Sarah Demeuse.
ArteBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2017- Lace Dynamics I / In the exercise of things / Curated by Mariano Mayer and Sonia Becce.Tabacalera Cultural Center, Madrid, Spain.
2017- Objeto Móvil Recomendado a las Familias ( Museography) / Curated by Santiago Villanueva. OSDE Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2017- Self-knowledge / Some instructions to disappear.
Sarmiento Theater, Bs. Argentina.
2017- Self-knowledge / Perfuch / Curated by Lolo and Lauti,
UV studios, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2016- Butt Plug / A kingdom of hours / Curated by Miguel Lopez and Robert Leckie, Teorética, San José, Costa Rica.
2016- Butt Plug / A Kingdom of Hours / Curated by Robert Leckie and Miguel Lopez, Gasworks, London, United Kingdom.
2016- The Aura of Transvestites / Evasion Plan / Curated by Ariel Authier.
Nora Fisch Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2016- The Maximum Light / Subject Headings / Curatorship: Avecilla.
Library of the Faculty of Fine Arts. UCM, Madrid, Spain.
2016- Zika / Art-Trans Festival, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2016- OII / Pushing an Ism / Curated by Javier Villa.
MAMBA, Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2015- U_/ / Perfomatón / Curated by Javier Villa.
MAMBA, Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2014- GéminisVulcano / Mostro IV / Curated by Marcelo Galindo.
La Fábrica, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2013- I<>I< / That morning / Curated by Javier Villa and Inés Katzenstein.
Parque de la Memoria, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2012- Sopor - rosa chancho collective / Last tendencies II
Museum of Modern Art (MAMBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2012- Democracy sucks - Rosa Chancho Collective / The Beasts / Curated by Ernesto Ballesteros. MACRO, Museum of Contemporary Art of Rosario, Argentina.
2011- Double penetration - Rosa Chancho Collective.
A Gentil Carioca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2011- Intuitions and sets.
Zavaleta Lab, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2011- “CIA 2009 and 2010” / Curated by Dean Daderko.
Recoleta Cultural Center (CCR), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2011- Open exhibition / Tapia Dining Room.
Villa 31, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2011- In praise of diversity.
Instituto Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2011- Piano and the Western Union Band. - Rosa Chancho Collective -
Borges Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2007- I think of you and I want to kill you (with Mumi) / Mini mini max / Curated by Marcelo Galindo.
Appetite Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2005- Transparent Architectures, (with Julieta García Vazquez)
Castagnino Museum, Rosario, Argentina.
Public Collections
Museo Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain.
CA2M, Madrid, Spain.
FRAC Pays de la Loire, France.
Lo Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), Los Angeles, USA.
Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires (MALBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires (MAMBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Museum of Contemporary Art, Rosario (MACRO)
Rose Art Museum, Boston, USA.
Federico Klemm Foundation. Buenos Aires.
Meliá Hotel Video Art Collection, Buenos Aires.
KLEMM, Foundation, Buenos Aires.
Teaching, Readings and Presentations given
2024- Workshop with Manuel Abramovich: SecretiSIDAS, Casa Brandon Bs.As.
2024- Workshop with Dani Zelko: Program of the Centro de Estudios del Reina Sofía, Tejidos Conjuntivos. Madrid, Spain.
2024- Mentorship together with the Rosa Chancho collective: Annual artists program, oriented to group practices, Di Tella University, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2023- Teacher together with the Rosa Chancho collective: Annual artists program, oriented to group practices, Universidad Di Tella, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2023- Workshop: La vida Noctidiana, Festival Danza Afuera, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2022- Workshop: Party as communal land, CED MACBA, Barcelona, Spain.
2022- Curator: Sintomario by Florencia Rodrigues Guiles, Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2022 -Workshop: Exploration Seminar, AxA, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2021- Workshop: Exploration Seminar, AxA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2020- Reading: Berlin Biennale Rotaprint, Berlin, Germany.
2019- Workshop: Telekinesis, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2018- Workshop with Francisco Lemus: HIV4KIDS, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2017- Workshop: Oracles, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2017- Workshop: Queer Oracle, BAR project Barcelona, Spain.
2017- Workshop: What the hell is QUEER, UTDT Di Tella University, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2017- Workshop: Educational program, MALBA education, Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2017- Workshop: Gestogramaton, CIA Centro de investigaciones Artísticas, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2017- Workshop: Gestotronic, Bienal de Arte Joven, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2017- Workshop: Past Present Future, Immaterial Museum, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2016- Reading with Manuela Moscoso: The Subtleties of Argument, FORO, ArtBO, Bogota, Colombia.
2016- Reading: Universal Artifacts, Cultural Objects. La eNe Museum, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2016- Workshop: Gestogramaton, CIA (Center for Artistic Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2015- Lecture with Manuela Moscoso: Comparabilidades: Relation and Scale, XXII Jornadas de Estudio de la Imagen, CA2M, Centro de Arte 2 de mayo, Móstoles, Madrid, Spain.
2015- Workshop with Vivi Tellas and Luis Garay: Something is happening, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2014- Reading: Triple Frontier, Performaton, Museum of Modern Art (MAMBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2014- Workshop with Luciana Lamothe: Practice and analysis, Museo La Ene, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2013- Workshop with Luciana Lamothe: Travestism and transparency, Museo La Ene, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2013- Reading: Multiplicity, Centro de Investigaciones Artísticas (CIA), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Studies, Awards, Scholarships and residencies
2023- Grant: Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Argentina.
2022- Grant: Cultural Mecenazgo Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2022- Award: Konex Merit to the visual arts, performance category, Argentina.
2021- Grant: Cultural Mecenazgo Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2020- Residency: DAAD, Annual Artist-in-Residence Program, Berlin, Germany.
2020- Award: ARCO MADRID
2018- Grant: Fondo Nacional de las Artes - Argentina.
2018- Grant: Fondo Metropolitano - Argentina.
2018- Residency: Gasworks, URRA and ArteBA. London, United Kingdom.
2017- Travel grant: Becar Cultura, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Argentina.
2015- Residency: International Platform for Creation in Musical Theatre: Latin America, Goethe Institute and Munich Biennale, Lima, Peru.
2014- Residency: OMI International Arts Center New York, USA.
2014- Travel Grant: Alec Oxenford Collection.
2013- Award: Nacional de Teatro - colectivo Rosa Chancho- Argentina.
2012-2013 Studies: Artist Program/ Torcuato Di Tella University, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2013- Grant: Cultural Patronage City of Buenos Aires - rosa chancho collective - Argentina.
2012- Grant: National Fund for the Arts - Argentina.
2011- 2012- Scholarship: Kuitca Scholarship - rosa chancho collective Torcuato Di Tella University, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2009- 2011- Study grant: Centro de Investigaciones Artísticas (C.I.A.), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2008- Studies: Biodrama, Vivi Tellas, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2008-2009- Studies: Formar, Monica Giron, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2006-2007- Scholarship: Intercampos, Fundación Telefónica - rosa chancho - , Buenos Aires.
2002-2003- Studies: Clinic of work, Professor: Valeria Gonzales, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2001-2004- Studio: Photography Technician, Andy Goldstein School, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2000-2003- Study: Industrial Design, UBA University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.